Sunday, August 8, 2010

Budget 2010: additional money for relatives with young kids underneath two

440PM GMT 24 Mar 2010

What is forward planning of the highest order the Chancellor announced that the Child Tax Credit will go up by 4 a week for each child you have aged 1 and 2 years of age. But the bad news is you"ll have to wait a full two years before this kicks in.

The Chancellor said he also wants to fast-track payments of the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit to allow parents to apply for it quickly when they need it such as in school holidays and for short-term cover.

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You can claim the Child Tax Credit or the Working Tax Credit if you are employed or self-employed and work at least 16 hours a week.

The Child Tax Credit is broken down into different entitlements depending on the age of your children and how many you have. Disabled children get a much higher payout.

The threshold for the maximum payout for Child Tax Credit will go up to 16,190.

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